在自己家里玩朋友妻子 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 1992

导演: Cristobal Krusen


  Sabina, a divorced mother of two small children, falls in love with an old friend from the Bosnian war. The two plan to marry, but things go terribly wrong.
  Sabina K. is inspired by a true story set in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The "Sabina" of the title plans to marry Sasa (with whom she served during the Bosnian War), but there is a problem. Sabina is Muslim and Sasa a Catholic, and their respective families disapprove of the marriage. Their only ally is an older woman, Ankica, whose son - killed in the war - had been their close friend. "Aunt" Ankica thinks of Sabina and Sasa as her own children and invites them to her home on the island of Korcula to get married. Springtime comes and Sabina travels to Korcula where she is reunited with Ankica and where the two women wait for Sasa to join them from Zagreb. The days pass... Sasa never arrives... and with a heavy and troubled heart, Sabina returns to Sarajevo. She discovers that Sasa has taken all his things from her apartment and moved out. There is no note; no explanation. Sabina goes to Sasa's mother for answers, but the deeply embittered woman treats her harshly and calls the police.


  • 彤沛 6小时前 :


  • 庾紫杉 4小时前 :

    14-098 美国《警察局》

  • 克初 1小时前 :

    可看。最重要的是 主演们的演技都到位了,化妆布景等等都自然,看下来很流畅。

  • 妫梦寒 3小时前 :


  • 危学名 9小时前 :

    对了 一定要补刀~~无数例子都在告诫我们。

  • 姒智晖 4小时前 :


  • 冰家 0小时前 :


  • 康奇 2小时前 :


  • 党恨蝶 4小时前 :


  • 令狐景龙 0小时前 :

    5分 女主跟他妈开挂一样,各种不死,别再搞这么政治正确行不行,女黑人当女主也就算了,长得又不漂亮,还剃个毛光,一直给特写,丑死了

  • 德嘉悦 1小时前 :


  • 东郭海凡 3小时前 :

    「Do you remember why King Arthur and his knights had a round table? Because it meant that all men were equal. It's important that people born into privilege lead by example.」「I do not accept your resignation. But... I will accept a very strong cup of tea.」

  • 卫国宁 8小时前 :


  • 仵和宜 9小时前 :


  • 俊妍 8小时前 :


  • 师初雪 9小时前 :


  • 建安祯 4小时前 :


  • 向朋兴 4小时前 :

    太难看了,还这么长,整个电影的节奏太奇怪,情节转折都非常生硬,开头结尾和中间完全是两部片。动作戏也毫无亮点,曾经的烟花爆头爽片感哪里去了?当然Matthew Goode出场的第一个镜头我就知道了……

  • 卫亚宁 3小时前 :


  • 函姿 2小时前 :



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