野蛮的印度电影免费观看 高清

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分类: 欧美剧 2001



INDIA is an exotic mixing pot of iconic wildlife, secret locations, epic landscapes and colourful beauty. This iconic and landmark series is a celebration of India’s most spectacular locations and incredible wildlife. From the "home of snow" in the epic Himalayan Mountains we travel to the mighty River Ganges, lifeblood of India as it carves out its dramatic path across the subcontinent. We also reveal Thar, the “Great Indian Desert”. Its territory includes much of Rajasthan (“the desert state”), where the bleakness of its environment is juxtaposed with the striking colours of traditional Rajasthani dress and amazing wildlife spectacles Also featured is India's lost world of the north east, home to head hunting tribes, tiger infested forests, mountains not yet climbed, rivers waiting to be fished. And finally to the Western Ghats. This biodiversity hotspot is home to epic waterfalls, hill tribes, hidden caves and stunning wildlife.. Part 1: Thar Desert Sacred Sands Covering 200,000 square kilometres, India’s Thar Desert is one of the harshest places on the planet. Baking heat, desiccating winds and near permanent drought has earned this unforgiving land another name – “the region of death.” As we explore India’s great desert we unveil its hidden secrets, and ultimately shed light as to how the Thar has become the most crowded desert in the world. Part 2: Ganges River of Life The Ganges is the longest river in India. It flows from the glaciers of the world’s highest mountains, the Himalayas, to the largest bay in the world, the Bay of Bengal. Human pollution threatens to overwhelm the river, but somehow wild animals survive. Hindus believe that Ganges water has the power to purify, and it seems there is some scientific evidence to support this conviction: microscopic organisms actually eat bacteria that could cause disease, and uniquely high level levels of oxygen break down organic waste faster than any in other river. This self-cleaning property of Ganges water helps support some of the last remaining true wilderness in the world – the Sundarbans swamp. Here, India’s largest population of wild tigers have never learned to fear man, making them very dangerous neighbours. Part 3: Himalayas Surviving the Summits Outside Asia, no peak reaches above 7000 metres, but along the Himalayan range, over 100 mountains exceed this height by at least 200 metres, making it the tallest mountain range on the planet.As Earth meets the sky along this hostile terrain, powerful winds, sub-zero temperatures, and a lack of oxygen oppose virtually all forms of life, but remarkably, this immense geological feature somehow supports one of the largest and most diverse collections of creatures on the planet – including man. While the Himalayas rugged highlands offer little direct refuge to humans, in the shadow below, over a billion people in India rely on the mountains for survival. Part 4: Western Ghats Monsoon Mountains Stretching for a thousand miles along India’s west coast, the Western Ghats are a spine of mountains that lay claim to being one of the most bio-diverse places in the world. Mountains rear their heads into the path of monsoon clouds, intercepting rains and making the western slopes some of the wettest places in India. Tropical rainforests thrives, and explode with life. The Western Ghats hold the key to life across southern India. Rainwater harvested by the mountains washes down to the coast, feeding Kerala’s backwaters; huge rivers flow east across India’s dry interior, a lifeline to animals and people. Part 5: Indias Lost World Imagine a lost world – head hunting tribes, tiger-infested forests, unclimbed mountains, pristine rivers. Known as the Seven Sisters of India, there are seven relatively unexplored and isolated Indian states. What mysteries lie within this secretive land and why have they remained untouched for so long? North-east India is an anthropological paradise; there is no other place on Earth with so many different ethnic groups. The forest slopes are filled with mysterious tribes whose lives are dictated by the ebb and flow of the rain and the seasonal fruits of the forest. In these largely unexplored and isolated areas people scarcely known to the Western world continue a way of life steeped in ancient rituals.


  • 宋馨香 8小时前 :

    这个故事乍看可能比较不新鲜,但阿莫多瓦总能从平淡中发掘细腻敏感的人性部分,带来清晰透彻的审视和从内而外的共情(以及侧面反应了理性有多可贵——两位主演把这种关乎生命尊严的事情处理的相当克制,表演毫无歇斯底里却充满情绪张力);结尾照见了一段黑历史补充暗线的完整,虽然这种严肃的反思和政治性得了解一点西班牙背景,才能看懂和主线之间隐晦而不突兀的联系。// PS. 话说阿莫多瓦审美一贯无敌——片中演员穿搭和内景布置品位一流。

  • 哀博艺 0小时前 :


  • 和沛山 8小时前 :


  • 左丘初珍 5小时前 :

    对自己事业的证明与渴望,力克身份之下的挑战与难题,还有在过去与现在之间的追问与找寻;凡此种种,从一而终地出现在每个角色的历程中。尽管缺席的男性角色、明亮的色彩还有由意外与偶然堆砌的悲喜生活似曾相识,却又蕴藏不断随着时境更新的宣言- -最后的画面与语录震撼并且充满观点,只是前面肥皂剧情来托陈交代的过渡显得没有那么平顺。比起这里的Penélope,私以为《主竞赛》潇洒大佬的完成更加有趣与纯熟;但也很欣喜这位女演员能够在如此特殊艰难的年份,依然持续地输出两个出色、印象深刻的表演。

  • 彩莲 2小时前 :

    在我目前的概念里,阿莫多瓦的“好看”仍然是独一份的。可能再没有导演会这样拍女人,拍奇情,拍电视剧质感的狗血情节剧,也没有演员能像Penélope Cruz那样动人。

  • 婧静 7小时前 :

    三星半 同样说拍这种通俗情节悬念剧,似乎阿莫多瓦无非就是比欧容更会升华

  • 受星波 6小时前 :


  • 官雨琴 4小时前 :

    Don't marry a bisexual if you are homosexual.

  • 彩凡 9小时前 :


  • 信海 5小时前 :


  • 宋书蝶 7小时前 :

    阿莫多瓦真的老了,上部电影是回忆童年,这部电影则是关于历史、家国、传承、血缘(当然还有soapy melodrama)看《平行母亲》就像看西班牙金星主持1818黄金眼,所谓的“叛经离道”只是外表,本质上还是聊家长里短的狗血八卦,传达传统价值观。

  • 向朋兴 4小时前 :

    啊,我可太喜欢了😭 不管是贯穿全片的挖墓主线还是女主和小女友之间的“露水情缘”真的好喜欢,可以看到西班牙、法国人对家庭与亲人的在意同时又可以看到她/他们对待爱情对待关系对待性对待孩子的开放、平等、自由的态度😭😭你永远可以相信女生与女生之间的情谊,不像电影里的异性恋夫妻只要离婚必定要争夺孩子的抚养权,但是可笑的是父亲这个角色本身其实根本就没资格去跟母亲争夺孩子,因为男人除了贡献了那一丝精子外就没有任何贡献,而本片中就算最后最亲近的孩子要被拿走了,我也不会大吵大闹我会帮你系好宝宝背带帮你提行李到电梯外😭😭😭p.s.看到Janis这样的milf怎么可能不心动😭😭😭😭😭

  • 厍昊伟 2小时前 :


  • 傅新筠 1小时前 :


  • 初良 9小时前 :


  • 娄韶敏 0小时前 :


  • 壬英光 7小时前 :


  • 卫冰 7小时前 :


  • 开寄松 9小时前 :


  • 云慧妍 9小时前 :



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